Ampeel Eggs can be found at the very bottom of the trench.

Gel Sacks can only be found in the deepest area of this biome, below 500 meters, in the section below the wreck. This zone is considered unsuitable to explore with the Cyclops due to the trench's narrow width. One of the Wrecks can be found in this area, stuck between the trench's walls. It consists of a single deep trench with natural rock bridges spanning from one wall to another, and a small cavern system located below the Bloodvines where their roots can be found. The more confined spaces may make it more difficult to avoid them if one is not careful. The Trench lacks the Crabsquids and the Ghost Leviathan of the Northern Blood Kelp Zone, but still has predators in the form of Blighters, Ampeels, and Warpers.

The Blood Kelp Trench is located south-west from Lifepod 5, between the Dunes, the Sparse Reef, the Grassy Plateaus and the Sea Treader's Path.